Tag Archive: Projects



Problems for the original brochure design:
1. Overall is not interesting
2. Cannot attract people to read it
3. Typeface too boring
4. Layout not nice
5. Maps too complicated
6. Information and content too messy

Redesign solution:
1. Simplify the maps
2. Rearrange all the contents
3. Information should be clean and clearer
4. Consistency on color
5. Art style

I design a light batik pattern as main art style is because Terengganu is one of a batik produce states in Malaysia, so i decided to use red color as background to represent Malaysia and it’s also suitable for batik style. Contents solution i did it like each featured place got one picture beside the description of the place, to give peoples a clearer information. I also design a guide line and guide it to the map for each featured place to give audience a easy way to find out the actual location.





Message to deliver:

Final Outcome:


This “Influence” exercise is to learn how to use artwork to communicate with audience. At the first we choose our own title with a short story, then develop keywords from the idea. After that, we think of the media to use for final outcome, then just do the further design job.

Web Design – In Progress


Mood Board

Story Concept: 

A youngster was lost his job, and he is poor, no money to eat, and even no place to live, and start to be leads a vagabond life. He had a habit which is like to go everywhere play with his guitar and singing everywhere he goes, especially when he is facing stresses.

A day, the youngster walk around on a street and feel moody, then he start to play his guitar and singing on the street. His touching voice was attracted peoples go forward to listen, but most of them after go forward, they saw the youngster wearing a dirty and ragged clothes, they was not willing to stop there and listen to his performance anymore. The youngster didn’t care it, and continue his performance.

Suddenly, a old man was really touched by the youngster voice. He go forward and listen to his performance. After that, the old man felt curious and go forward to ask the youngster why he wearing a dirty and ragged clothes. The youngster told him the truth. The old man was sympathized by his previous. He dug up some money from his wallet and ask the youngster go and buy a new cloths and use his performance to earn his pocket money. The youngster touched by the old man, and he was realize by what the old man told him. He start to think positive and hardworking and do many performance on the street.

Finally, peoples was identify his performance. He was touched peoples by his outstanding performance. He successful earn a lots of money. Since that, he doesn’t have to starve and no place to living anymore. He started a new normal and happy life.

Poster Design


Abstract – Surrealism

Digital Effect – Type

Graphic – Pop Art


Design Concept:

I choose this theme for my design concept is because all the human being also got their own memories in their life. Memories can be wonderful, sweet, happy, sad, and unforgettable. We can recall all the memories through our mind, pictures, voice, videos and even text; Moreover, we also can share it with our friends or someone else. More description is on below…

First of all, I produce 4 different forms of art style of my design, which is, illustration, abstract, graphic, and digital effect. My design concept is mainly about human organ which is ear, eye, mouth and brain. The first is abstract, surrealism. I use human eye change the eyeball to a lens. A picture which is capture by the lens and camera fly inside the “eye”. Show that, memories can be capture from camera lens.
Second is digital effect. I use text to form up a human head shape, and the brain full of colour. It means we can memory all the memories using our brain. All the memories in our brain are colourful and wonderful. Third is graphic, pop art. A human talking. That’s mean voice talk by a person also can be a sweet memories with someone. Fourth is illustration, I use color pencil to draw an ear, and the ear flying on sky listen to the rainbow. It’s mean we can listen the memories from someone in the air, and the memories are colourful like a rainbow.
The second media implementation of my design; I use the graphic style poster to applied as bus ads. It can show the ads everywhere the bus go, effective and save our environment; Abstract style poster I applied it as building billboard; Digital effect I applied it on lift door, so that when people wait for the lift can see the ads; And the illustration style poster I applied it to a billboard beside the road. As conclusion, memories are wonderful, so we must cherish our memories always, because memories can’t buy with money!

Interactive Interface Design



I briefly mention about the design concept. I decided to used red as the main colour, because the character “Nian” is sensitive and afraid of the red colour, there are related and link to my theme concept. I hide the navigation system on the top center side, u just simply a click on it, the navigation will pop out and the background will become blur effects to make the navigation icons more obvious. Thats all my simply talk about my design. Following is about the story of my theme.


Long ago, there was a monster called Nian. It was born to be very ugly and ferocious, which looked like either dragons or unicorns. On the first and the 15th of each lunar month, the monster would come down from the mountains to hunt people. So people were very much afraid of it and locked their doors early before sunset on the days of its coming.

There lived an old wise man in a village. He thought it was the panic in people that made the monster so bold and furious. Thus the old man asked people to organize together and to conquer the monster by means of beating drums and gongs, burning bamboo, and lighting fireworks in purpose of making large noises to threaten the hateful monster. When he told people about the idea, everybody agreed on it.

At a moonless and freezing cold night, the monster, Nian, appeared again. The moment it opened its mouth at people, burst out the frightening noises and fire made by people, and wherever the monster went, it was forced to back off by the terrible noises. The monster couldn’t stop running until he fell down with exhaustion. Then people jumped up and killed the evil monster. Savage as the monster was, he lost in the end under the efforts from the cooperation of people.

Since then, people have kept the tradition by beating drums and gongs, and lighting fireworks at the coldest day in winter to drive the imagined monsters away and to celebrate the victory over it. Today, Nian refers to the New Year’s day or the Spring Festival.



The first project on Digital Design for Multimedia. This project actually is quite funny, i like it so much. But the deadline was abit tight, before the deadline we have chinese new year. So i just do it when the chinese new year holiday become end. Maybe i not really put enough efforts on this project, was abit like last minutes work. Let me to describe my final outcome on below.
The first one is Vector Icons. Because my theme is Vacation Island, so i use some stuff which we can seen it when holiday on island to created and design the icons as my concept. The second one is Wallpaper design. I use the concept of sunset to design the two wallpapers. When the moment of sunset on the island, it was very beautiful.          

The last one is Raster Icons design. I use boey on my design concept. Actually i not so satisfy the raster icons. It was too rush maybe. I just spent about 5 hours to finish it. The outcome not as good as i think. But the time was not allow me to redo. I will put more greater efforts on my future projects. Hope there are no more last minutes work a all. These all about my Project 1 for Digital Design.